About the Forum
The Eurasian Women’s Forum, regularly held since 2015, has become the largest international platform uniting female leaders from all continents where they can discuss the role of women in the modern world and work out new approaches to solving global problems.
The Forum was be held for the third time in St. Petersburg on 13–15 October. The event is organized by the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the Interparliamentary Assembly of Member Nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States (IPA CIS).
The topic of the third Eurasian Women’s Forum ‘Women: A Global Mission in a New Reality’ cannot be more relevant for today’s world. Boosting international cooperation to enhance the role of women in order to meet the goals of sustainable development, forming women’s agenda and new approaches to solving global problems in the new reality – these were the main objectives for participants and organizers.
The Forum’s business programme included plenary sessions, strategic and expert sessions attended by international organizations, discussion platforms, including discussions with global opinion leaders, parity discussions, public and private sector talks, business dialogues, webinars, workshops, and business breakfasts.
The focus of the Forum’s key discussions was on the role of women in global security, social progress, transition to new models of economic growth, healthcare development, and high-tech industries, solving global environmental and climate problems.
Expert sessions attended by international organizations and associations were the highlight of the Forum. Those include field sessions of Women 20, the UN session on industrial development (UNIDO), the World Bank session, the BRICS Women's Business Alliance meeting, international club of APEC BEST AWARD winners and participants, and International Club of Women Regional Leaders. For the first time, the Forum featured meeting of the International Working Group of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development’s Nuclear Energy Agency on improving gender balance in the nuclear energy industry.
The Forum was also be attended by women – members of parliaments, executive officials, delegates from international organizations, global corporations, business circles, scientific community, non-governmental organizations and charity projects, outstanding representatives of international women’s movement.
The Forum was held offline using modern formats such as video conferencing and online broadcast. This form ensured the extended outreach and provide audience engagement.
The third Eurasian Women’s Forum was held in strict accordance with safety measures aimed at preventing the spread of COVID-19. These were carefully drawn up by the organizing committee in line with WHO requirements.