Useful information

Useful information

Weather in St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg has a mild and humid coastal climate. The average temperature in mid-October ranges from +6°С to +10°С.

Owing to the city’s geographical location and proximity to the Baltic Sea, the weather can change unexpectedly, so we advise guests to bring warm clothing and an umbrella.

Time zone

The local time zone in St. Petersburg is UTC+3.

Exchange rate

For the latest exchange rates, please see the Central Bank of the Russian Federation website:

There is a Sberbank mobile office at the entrance to the Tavricheskiy Palace, where Forum participants can withdraw cash in Russian currency and also exchange currency.

Currencies: Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Pound Sterling (GBP), Swiss Franc (CHF), Yen (JPY), Yuan (CNY).

Bank cards

Although most restaurants and many shops in St. Petersburg accept bank cards, it is a good idea to carry cash as well.

Power supply (socket types)

The power supply in Russia is 220V (50–60Hz). Type C and F sockets are common. If you plan to bring electrical appliances requiring a higher voltage or if you might need another socket type, we suggest you bring an adapter with you.

Mobile network

St. Petersburg operators offer a variety of mobile telecommunications services in the GSM, UMTS and LTE standards. Visitors to the city can purchase SIM cards from local mobile operators. All mobile operators provide mobile internet services.

The biggest mobile operators in St. Petersburg are:

Under Russian law, participants must be present in person and show a Russian or other passport in order to purchase a SIM card and sign a contract for mobile services.

Medical insurance

Participants are advised to buy a voluntary medical insurance policy for foreigners, which can be ordered in advance or purchased on arrival.

Insurance for foreign citizens visiting Russia is a popular service offered by many insurance companies throughout the country.

Policies for foreign citizens may cover the following risks:

Useful telephone numbers in St. Petersburg

Below are the telephone numbers of city emergency services:

Rescue service (for mobile network subscribers): 112.

Fire service: 101 (from a mobile phone), 01.

Police: 102 (from a mobile phone), 02.

Emergency medical service: 103 (from a mobile phone), 03.

Free enquiry service (24 hours): 064.

Tourist information support: +7 (812) 242 3906 (Mon–Sat, 10:00–19:00).